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Receptionist/Admin Assistant Wanted Urgently 急招办公助理









Rank: 20Rank: 20

termitedoctor 发表于 2017-12-4 18:27:47 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
563 0


Eco-Global Termite Doctor Pty Ltd is one of the fastest growing pest management firms in Australia and Eco-Global College Australia will be a unique training organisation in the pest management industry worldwide.
As Eco-Global continues to expand and grow, we are looking for a full-time Administration Assistant to help us with our ever-increasing administrative needs in the field of pest management and initial setting up a registered training organisation (RTO). The candidate must meet the followingcriteria:

Ø  Honest- Eco-Global Motto: Honesty is paramount & above all rules
Ø  Excellent language skills (speaking & writing) both in English & Chinese
Ø  Chinese language skills are essential as we have a big Chinese-Speaking customerbase
Ø  Motivated to arrange termite/pest control jobs for pest management technicians (mainly local Aussies) based in Greater Brisbane areas (Ipswich, Logan & RedlandBay) & Gold Coast
Ø  Friendly attitude to receive and make phone calls to respond customer inquiries during normal working hours and after-work hours including weekends
Ø  New graduates from University or TAFE with any major are encouraged to apply
Ø  QLD driving license and own transport

The responsibilities of the successful candidate include the followings:

Ø Dealing with daily office management and enquiries
Ø  Arranging pest control jobs using Google Calendar
Ø  Assisting in student enrolment for Eco-Global College Australia
Ø  Assisting in writing pest inspection reports
Ø Entering data and calculating payment for employees
Ø Maintaining office and training areas
Ø Organising company functions

The successful candidate will be paid based on 5-day office working hours and commission of job value, plus superannuation and other benefits. Based on the current annual turnover the package benefit would roughly reach $40,000. The income is likely to increase every year as the company business continues to grow and the Eco-Global College Australia starts operation in 2018.

The majority of existing employees of Eco-Global TermiteDoctor Pty Ltd are local Australians and we have a multi-cultural friendly working environment. Backed by a selection panel the General Manager, Mr EnzoPilotti, will be in charge of selection process and the Company Director, Dr Deling Ma, will support his decision. Please send your CV to [email protected]. You may want to know more about Eco-Global Termite Doctor please visit our website: www.termite-doctor.com. The sucessful candidate is expected to start working after the Christmas and the new year holidays.

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